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Fancy a free pair of hands?

We are seeing a lot of down-sizing currently, and many people are being asked to take on more work. There is a hidden solution. Would you believe that for every 6-8 people working in your organisation, there is at least one free pair of hands available? This is possible if everyone learns how to work more effectively as individuals, and collaborate more productively with their colleagues.

Need convincing? Here are some symptoms of time being lost that our clients have shared with us. Do any of these ring a bell?


  • "I keep missing emails and TEAMS messages" = at least 30 mins a day lost searching for messages to action

  • "I have endless To-Do’s & follow-ups" = 30+ mins lost a day + actions being forgotten


  • "Files are often difficult to locate" = 30-60 mins lost a day searching for files


  • "Some meetings have no objective or agenda" = 30-60 mins lost a day in meetings that don’t produce any results


  • "Many projects are drifting with no detailed plans" = 1-2 hours lost a week due to unclear responsibilities


  • "We don’t know how to use Microsoft Teams fully" = 30-60 mins lost a day due to poor collaboration processes


The good news is that there are solutions to all of these symptoms, by training people to adopt new ways of working using highly practical ‘WorkingSmart’ processes from Priority Management International. Everyone can change their working methods once they see the benefits, and new work processes can become subconscious habits in 20-30 days.


The opportunity to help everyone handle larger workloads more easily is hiding in plain sight! Click here to find out how we can help.



About us > Priority Management is a worldwide training company with 55 offices in 15 countries. We have successfully trained more than two million graduates in Priority workshops. Our programs help companies and people be more effective and manage their workflow in and out of the office by providing tools, processes and discipline. Simply put - A Better Way To Work! Clients range from Fortune 500 companies, small-to-medium businesses and government/military employees. Click Here to view all our courses.

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